Long term projects?

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Moderator: Christopher Weeks

Long term projects?

Postby JAR on Mon Nov 18, 2024 9:00 pm

I’ve been watching Netflix programs (e.g., Flavorful Origins) about places in China I’ve never heard of (e.g., Gansu) where lots of fascinating dishes are produced and which typically end the episode by discussing some long term fermentation of sorts particular to this part of the country.

I’m looking for a long term project of sorts. Something involving a large pot that’s sealed, set outside, and not opened for a year (well, maybe six months…maybe three??). (Kimche comes to mind, but maybe something more exotic.)

Any suggestions? Which part of this forum should I go to to review these kinds of recipe/projects.

Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:15 pm

Re: Long term projects?

Postby JAR on Tue Nov 26, 2024 1:00 am

I'm amazed that no one in this forum (of the 200+ that have viewed this post) has any acquaintance with long term fermentation processes. Unfortunately, most of the programs I mentioned are no longer available on Netflix or I would bring them back to introduce them to the rest of the members or at least introduce the fact that fermentation is used to substantially change the food qualities of the edible items used to start the ferment and result in safe, interesting, and eminently edible foods throughout the world.

I'm equally surprised that Googling "long term fermentation processes" or "year long fermentation" seems to return little more than to such overnight processes as the production of sour dough yeast.

I hope to try to relocate at least a few of the fermentation processes so treasured by various cultures (primarily Chinese, in my viewing experiences) and introduce these--if only as incomplete descriptions--to the forum.
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:15 pm

Re: Long term projects?

Postby Christopher Weeks on Tue Nov 26, 2024 6:43 pm

I'm definitely interested, I just don't have any knowledge to add.

I have some fifteen year old misozuke that's super-yummy.
Christopher Weeks
Nuka Ninja
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