Cheap grain mill for dehulling soy beans

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Cheap grain mill for dehulling soy beans

Postby curtijam on Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:46 pm

I’ve been eyeing up the cheap “corona” style grain mills on Amazon / eBay and finally took the plunge. The reviews are pretty poor, with many people complaining of low quality and broken or missing parts. However I wasn’t willing to invest the significant money on a grain mill such as the country grain mill, so took a punt on the cheap version.

It came rattling around in a cardboard box with no padding or instructions. The metal is clearly cheap and the manufacturing of poor quality. However all the bits were there, and I managed to assemble in under 10 minutes. I then disassembled and have everything a good wash. Reassembled, I put a small amount of soya beans in and fiddled about with the screws and in 5 minutes had it grinding well. The beans went everywhere so I used a towel draped over the spout To guide them into my collection bowl.

I then processed 1kg of dried soya beans in about 2 minutes. Vast majority dehulled and split into perfect halves. The device has absolutely met my aim of dehulling and splitting soy beans!

As for how effective this method is, I’ll find out tomorrow after overnight soak how much time this really is as I’ll still have to float off the hulls. It would lend itself well to blowing off the dry hulls (I think the process is called winnowing?)

Hope that’s useful if you’ve been thinking of getting one!
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