Well I left it alone for a week and just now looked at it and it had a white moldy cover started (is that mother of Vinegar) and an almost milky cloudy look to the water in it. I went to repackage it so I could put it in the frig. not much of a smell to and I really wasn't that brave to try to eat more then a few pieces of it, still get that strong after taste and not tasting as good as it was a week ago. So not sure if it went bad on me or if I am just psyching myself out over it. You know how you get when you think some things bad and it really isn't. Human nature I guess. Anyway have it repackaged and will bef putting it in the frig till I get brave enough to try it again. Already have 2 more heads of Cabbage this time just all green, didn't like the color the mix of green and purple turned my Mustache

. As I am typing this that after taste has really taken over my mouth an I only had a few strands of the kraut.