Lightmoore fr NWAR, Made my First Batch of Kraut

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Lightmoore fr NWAR, Made my First Batch of Kraut

Postby Lightmoore on Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:46 am

Today, used one of the simple recipe I have found, just Green, Purple Cabbage and Carrots with salt brine. I will try to keep updated on its progress. I found some Large Glass Vases at the Thrift Store and have a glass Lid that fits over it to seal it but let out the gases, hope it comes out ok :)
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Re: Lightmoore fr NWAR, Made my First Batch of Kraut

Postby Lightmoore on Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:01 am

like I said I put my kraut into a large Vase that would hold a little more then a Gallon of water. I ended up with more then would fit into that so I had one of those tall glass Jars with the rubber gasket and the metal band that holds the lid down, really just trying to work out what works for me and what doesn't. Anyway I got home from work and had a little water mess to clean up, filled the Vase a little to high and it must of expanded just enough to force some of the brine out no big deal, little bit of a learning curve here. moved some of the kraut into the other container and hope that fixes my problem.
I am trying to keep the house around 75 to 80 its been running about 90 to 100 outside so I am not sure how long it will take but ill keep checking on it and I will get back with you.
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Re: Lightmoore fr NWAR, Made my First Batch of Kraut

Postby Christopher Weeks on Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:25 am

I don't remember the details and don't even know if this is trustworthy, but I've read that glass not intended for culinary uses can be some kind of a problem. You might want to research that, though it hopefully isn't a problem one time.
Christopher Weeks
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Re: Lightmoore fr NWAR, Made my First Batch of Kraut

Postby Lightmoore on Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:48 am

thanks for the info. I used the Vase which is just a very large clear glass container with a wide top, I figured I could use it for other things besides kraut.
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Re: Lightmoore fr NWAR, Made my First Batch of Kraut

Postby Tibor on Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:13 pm

I cannot imagine that clear glass cylindrical vases are made any different than a drinking glass. Painted or tinted glass may be a problem but I feel 100% confident in all the glass vases I use for all the different ferments I make . Lightmoore, I like cylindrical tall vases ( 3/4 up to 1 3/4 gallon) because I could find a plate or jar that fits pretty tight inside to weigh down the ferment and have room so as not to overflow. For me,they are the perfect open ferment, cheap and light vessel for the counter.
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Re: Lightmoore fr NWAR, Made my First Batch of Kraut

Postby Lightmoore on Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:24 am

that was my thought in using it(them) I could use it for a lot of different things, I do believe some where I have some old pickle jars (the large type) but have not gone hunting for them as of yet and I just happened to be a that thrift store about the time I decided to try this and saw them for $5.00 and being a heavy bodied container thought that they would be just what I needed.

The kraut seems to be coming along still expanding a little bit I didn't put a real heave weight on top of them, If that will effect the kraut I can add one but everything is below the brine and i tasted a little of the water tonight and it seemed fine, not sure i put enough salt in it but that's ok I have to try and keep that on the low side for my High BP and such. will try some of it in another day or so.
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Re: Lightmoore fr NWAR, Made my First Batch of Kraut

Postby Lightmoore on Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:54 pm

well this is day 3 and its starting to smell and taste like kraut, not the best tasting I have ever had so far but its not bad.
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Re: Lightmoore fr NWAR, Made my First Batch of Kraut

Postby Lightmoore on Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:41 am

did notice one thing after I tried it out its now past 12 AM and I still have a vinegar sort of after taste in my mouth, I even cleaned my teeth and put them back in thinking it some how got under them. I have had 3 meals since trying my kraut and lots of water and soda, still have that taste. Don't seem to be effected in any other way other then I did have a little gas for a few hours after I eat it but just thought that might be me getting use to the new micros in it, not sure don't think I have ever had home made kraut before. At lest not in years anyway. no gas now and feel fine.

edit: taste did go away after I took teeth out for the night so guess it was them after all holding on to the flavor.
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Re: Lightmoore fr NWAR, Made my First Batch of Kraut

Postby Lightmoore on Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:24 pm

well I had my sister taste some of it. I gave her the smaller container of what I made. She tried it and said it needed to age more but was good. taking some to work today to see how they like it. this first small batch I made up will go fast I am sure, I have about 1/3 of it left to keep aging to see how it turns out.
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Re: Lightmoore fr NWAR, Made my First Batch of Kraut

Postby Lightmoore on Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:56 pm

I got around to making some rope sausage and my kraut and it was the best kraut I have ever made :D . Well ok its the only kraut I have made but it was good. It still could age some more an it should be better. Think I will try another batch soon, need to find a good place to leave it. I live in a one room shack with a small room in the back I was going to turn in to the bathroom but it ended up being my Food locker. Will try to make a place back there but its the warmest place in the house being far from the Air Con. and living here in NW Arkansas its been really warm here as of late.
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