is my sauerkraut still good?

Kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, and more!

Moderator: Christopher Weeks

is my sauerkraut still good?

Postby kelly999* on Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:54 am

HI There,
Haven't been here in a long time, which will probably help explain my question. I could give a long personal story of WHY this happened, but it's just better to get to the question. I have red cabbage sauerkraut that has been sitting in a back room for over a year. Hot in the summer even. I finally was brave enough to open it up with the expectation of having to gag while trying to dump it. Ummm... It smells fine! I haven't tried it yet, hoping to get any input before I get that brave. Is it still safe??
Also, even if it smells fine, have the bacteria died after so long?

Thanks, Kelly
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Re: is my sauerkraut still good?

Postby Christopher Weeks on Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:42 pm

I've eaten it older than that with no problems. I can only guess, but I suspect the bacteria just go into stasis and wait for more nutrients.

[Mod note, moving this to veggie ferments...]
Christopher Weeks
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Re: is my sauerkraut still good?

Postby kelly999* on Tue Sep 17, 2019 3:33 pm

thanks. I went ahead and tried some a while ago. I'm not dead yet.I realized just now that my post was in the wrong place and copy pasted it to this one, then saw you had already done that for me.
I WILL be moving them to the fridge now.
Christopher, what nutrients should I give it?
Should I add sugar or something, then wait to put it in the fridge? About how long would you say for it to reactivate?
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Re: is my sauerkraut still good?

Postby kelly999* on Tue Sep 17, 2019 7:40 pm

This is what I have decided to try. I will put in some carrot sticks in one with shredded carrots in it, and apple slices in the one with apples and see if anything happens. They are not bad, they are edible, not even mushy after all this time, and still under the brine :) However.. that TANG is definitely missing. I need the bacteria for my system. I have one of THOSE medical conditions. If it works, great, if not, I can cook it up with some sausage for the hubby.
JUST found out there IS a place I can buy it! I've been looking for years for live sauerkraut. If I get some tomorrow, maybe I should throw a bit in the mix. What do you think of my plan?

edit : won't mix in store bought. Remembered that it confuses the bacteria, or they compete or something like that I think. I'll just eat it while waiting to see what happens with mine.
Posts: 7
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