Making garum from non-fish materials.

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Moderator: Christopher Weeks

Making garum from non-fish materials.

Postby ADireFloridaMan on Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:45 pm


I work at a local restaurant and do most of the fermentation we do in house. My chef recently asked me if I can make beef garum, to which I replied "I dunno! but probably?"

To the meat of the question :D

If I'm making beef garum, how important is the protolytic digestive enzyme action you get from pyloric caeca(fish guts to oversimplify) in the making of fish garum to the quality of the sauce?
I know noma uses koji in theirs and I assume that is both for flavor and perhaps for breaking down and liquefying (autolysis/hydrolysis) material into sauce and extra umami?

I'm saving beef scraps which I am going to grind down split into several batches and try a few methods.

1. Salt, herbs, ground beef trim

2. salt, herbs, ground beef trim, koji?

3. salt herbs ground beef trim, papain?

I also considered using the pyloric glands from fish, however from what I understand I might be violating a few food codes and since it is hard for me to get live still flopping fish from which to spill guts into my beef trim I might forgo that.

What I want to know is has anyone experimented with this personally? any suggestions?
what worked for you?

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Re: Making garum from non-fish materials.

Postby ADireFloridaMan on Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:49 pm

Also, what about a vegetarian garum? is that silly? haha. no seriously though what veg would you use? I like the idea of making a sauce from concentrated vegetable juices and salt

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Re: Making garum from non-fish materials.

Postby Christopher Weeks on Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:40 pm

Check this out for related experimentation: ... 0X1730001X

They don't use beef, but do use pheasant and peas.

Regarding your vegetarian garum, I'd be inclined to ferment seaweeds, soy beans, and chiles with koji until it breaks down to a liquid and see how that tastes. And in fact, I might set that up...
Christopher Weeks
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