Fermented store-bought almond butter: possible?

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Moderator: Christopher Weeks

Fermented store-bought almond butter: possible?

Postby definitelynotsane on Thu May 09, 2019 10:23 am

Hi - I have two jars of store-bought almond butter (ingredients: dry roasted almonds, no preservatives), and while I love almond butter, it's pretty difficult to digest. I'm wondering if it's possible to increase digestibility by fermenting the store-bought almond butter using some sort of non-dairy starter culture + miso?

I thought of using a few tablespoons of coconut yogurt (anitas) or possibly sauerkraut brine in the same way that almond cheese is made, but would love any advice / input. Thank you!
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Re: Fermented store-bought almond butter: possible?

Postby Christopher Weeks on Fri May 10, 2019 7:56 am

No idea. But I don't think you'd need any starter in addition to live miso. I guess I'd try mixing in 10% miso and taste a bit of it every 8 or 12 hours to see how it changes.
Christopher Weeks
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